ZUNITY1 DIGITAL PRIVATE LIMITED. is ultimate platform for Super Distributors, Distributors and Retailers who provide online payment services. We assure our clients and customers safe, secure and convenient mode of transactions.
★We are offering one stop single sim all recharge software services like Mobile Recharge, Dth Recharge, Data Card Recharge, Insurance, Gas, Pospaid Bill Payments & Electricity Bill (WBSEDCL)
★Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) Aeps Pe is a bank-led model, which uses online authentication to make online interoperable financial transactions on PoS (Sales / Micro ATM) through any bank's Business Correspondent (BC) / Bank Friend allows for.
★ Cash Withdrawal Mini Statement Balance Inquiry All Bank (Micro-ATM): Merchants can help customers to withdraw cash from ANY bank account (SBI, PNB, Allahabad Bank, Bank of Baroda, ICICI + 106 more banks) with Aadhaar number & fingerprint only
★ Money Transfer (DMT): Merchants/Agents can take cash from customers and transfer money to any bank accounts across India to any state, instantly
★ Bharat Bill Payment (BBPS): Merchant can fetch & pay utility bills of their customers which includes: Gas, Electricity, Water, Telecom(Mobile/DTH)
★ Pancard Services: Merchant can create new PAN card for their customers online(Web Portal Only)
Reach us on:
Contact - +919933992786
Email - support@zaarapay.com
Web Portal : https://zaarapay.com/
To know more about us, visit our website https://zaarapay.com/